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Subject: sigcan vote:
Summary: Roles of interest: Writer - Hours willing to dedicate: 0
Body: About Me: Hi Sigmanauts,
I´ve been an Erg holder for quite some time. Kept buying and never sold. However, I would not count myself
as being an active part of the community, although I love what I have read and seen. Its a powerful project,
and really, I want to get closer to understanding its potential.
I´ve worked within private cloud then public cloud, then while Bitcoin was rising, left my job and went to
study philosophy - where I''m currently at. Our politics and ethics courses, I believe fail to encapsulate the
effects of money. I was interested in doing something along the line about Pyotr Kropotkin and DAOs/Liquid
Democracies. However, that is not really important here. I came across this platform just now, although I´ve
been browsing the sigmaverse a few times. I want to learn Ergo better. I have read some of kushti´s papers
and a few Ergo documents, I found the piece about headless dapps quite fascinating (although not sure if
that''s still relevant).
Professional Exp: Worked with Windows and Linux server, some studying of Bitcoin, a bit of programming but a good (general) understanding of the abstraction layers within computing.
Timezone Availability: 14-19
Improve Ergo: Better utilize its fair launch and unique democratic qualities to push knowledge to developers. (But most
important imo is bridging Bitcoin so BTC holders can leverage the Ergo, although that''s not my area)
Marketing is kind of a meme, I get that, but people are waking up from a long sleep, and soon they will
understand what was a dream and what is reality. I believe the phase-transition, to the new world of crypto
(and all that comes with it) is vital. In the big picture, the actual phase transition will determine its outcome.
Bitcoin, for example, is neutral, it depends about what is done with it. How it emerges. Ergo too. I see a lot of
greed in crypto twitter, a lot. Greed over ETFs, institutional adoption and so on - but this could, or can be,
something truly beautiful. I believe Ergo is one of the few projects that understands that. And it is that which
I think should be highlighted, along with its incredible strength.
I am not in any discord channels. I am a full-time student.
Discord: jbo__
Twitter: __jbo__
Created: 1708552518 - 2024-02-21
Ends: 1709157318 - 2024-02-28
Currently Active?: no
Voting Wallets: Send one of your registered tokens to the following:
Result: Yes: 0
No: 0
Abstain: 0
Total Delete Requests: 0
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