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sigcan vote: Marc

Roles of interest: Creator - Hours willing to dedicate: 7

About Me: I am a Machine Learning Engineer by Trade along with a background in Mechanical Engineering (CAD, 3D printing, etc), and have been mining ERGO since 2021. I''ve been wanting to get involved with developing but just haven''t been able to see a good way to do so outside of mining. Since I primarily code in python some of the git repos are all new to me. Currently, I have an idea to aid in small accounts to be able to move assets on the rosen bridge, and in the process of writing the white paper. My main goal with this is that I''d like to gain some interest from the community and have an experience erg dev help me in creating the system, as I am a fast learning just need to see it done, or pointed in the right direction. Aside from that I am also a Yoga Teacher and have been thinking about how I can integrate ERG with my yoga practice- specifically using the heat from the mining rigs to heat up the room for "free". Then use this as an opportunity to educate folks on erg.

Professional Exp: Python, Machine Learning, Linux, Docker, Docker Compose, 3D Modeling CAD, 3D printing, GPU Rig Building, Understanding of general electrical engineering concept

Timezone Availability: 9PM

Improve Ergo: Add functionality for smaller account to be able to use Rosen Bridge. More exposure to other in general (lot of my friends have no idea what ergo is). I suppose more importantly make how to develop on ERGO easier for everyone or make it more obvious. For example, how can I access the ERGO Node''s data? Not too sure and havnt found a resource to do so. It could be there just maybe naive to it.

Discord: marctheshark3333
Telegram: marctheshark3333
Twitter: NeuralYogi


1704992315 - 2024-01-11

1705597115 - 2024-01-18

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