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Setvin for Sigmanaut

I (rustinmyeye) nomination nominate
Setvin for Sigmanaut.

I periodically ask sig-cans if any if them would like me to create a vote for them to become Sigmanauts...

It is important to me that anyone willing to contribute, or just be there to share their opinions be a part of the sigmanaut program.

Setvin is interested in joining. I dont know much about Setvin, but I do know that they were pretty quick to join as a sig-can when I suggested they do so (I tagged the wrong person lol, but no regrets, just funny). Setvin does seem to keep up with things in Sig chat and has proven that they do share their opinions occasionally. Setvin is behind the porcelain ergo nfts... ducks I think mainly.

"maybe I am negative but I have a nasty habit of questioning everything" - Setvin


1696733806 - 2023-10-08

1697338606 - 2023-10-15

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