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sigcan vote: Kilver

Roles of interest: Marketing - Hours willing to dedicate: 5

About Me: I’m active on Twitter promoting Ergo daily. I have joined the Ergo community in April 2022, mainly participating in the NFT space being involved with Ergoats, CyberCitizens, Ergnomes and Ergo Champions and many others. I am also involved with Reddit collectable avatars so I managed to create a relation with many Polygon, Solana and Ethereum community members and I do actively try to promote Ergo’s ecosystem to people within that group. It is difficult at the moment because no matter how good Ergo sounds, not being listed on main exchanges is a big turn off for many from other communities.

Professional Exp: N/A

Timezone Availability: 17:00 - 22:00 week days and weekends.

Improve Ergo: I think Ergo it’s on the right path, the devs are great but Ergo should be a more inclusive place. Ergo devs need to be more approachable and less tribalistic. We get is, Ergo is great, but spamming it on every twitter post about Solana and ETC won’t make us any friends. The Ergo community is not comprised of 20-30 dev chads, there are hundreds of people like me that maybe don’t understand everything that goes on in the back end but we like the concept and ethos. So, yes, a bit more friendliness wouldn’t hurt.

Discord: Kilver
Telegram: Kilv3r
Twitter: SoareDragosMih1
Reddit: u/Kilv3r


1696702319 - 2023-10-07

1697307119 - 2023-10-14

Currently Active?:

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Abstain: 9gKxGmbqSrj7h95kgaRTgs6tbfW5KkBun1nQPtb11mVcEtxXfu4

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