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Submitted by:qx
Subject: cNFT con Sigmanauts Booth Representation
Summary: utilize $2500 USD worth of ergs of the sigs treasury to booth share with
Zengate and Rosen
Body: For those of you who watched the AMA last week you heard Dan speak about how cNFT con isn't just about NFT's but is also about blockchain, tech, and community. I also think it would be great for Sigmanauts to be represented here showing the non Ergo space what a community collective does and can be.
With Rosen on its way we have the opportunity to start connections with other chains (Cardano to start) and make a great first impression. By making our presence known here we might be the first stop of new members coming in to the ecosystem, thus expanding our group, or even attract new members to the ecosystem just on the basis that the Sigmanauts are so unique.
There are already new sticker ideas (i have enough original ergo stickers by Austen I will bring) that we can have at the table. Part of the $2500 will also go towards swag that Dan is organizing for booth handouts. I would also like to distribute paper wallets with NFT's and project tokens in them (I would donate). Would also be nice for a grand prize giveaway for perhaps a custom made NFT by one of the ergo artists (perhaps Sigmanauts,Ergo,Cardano,Rosen themed). Projects will have some sort of global visual representation as well (we will design it).
The focus of our outreach will be: Community and Projects. Showcase what Ergo does and the Community it fosters (Sigmanauts and Community).
I realize this is a short vote period and utilizing the emergency vote but only because I have to plan some family logistics to make it possible.
If approved, we can start discussions on ideas for engagement, outreach, and networking that Sigs would like to see done.
Note: qx() fully pays his own costs, anyone else also pays their own costs.
Reminder, with specifically 3 day proposal votes
"In addition, the yes votes needs to obtain a 20% member quorum (currently about 10 votes) as well as zero no votes. If there is a no vote, the proposal will be discussed at the next sigs meeting and voted on verbally with a needed 20% member quorum."
- $2500 from treasury
- Goes towards 1/3 split booth rental with Zengate and Rosen as well as some swag for handouts organized by Dan.
Created: 1694371898 - 2023-09-10
Ends: 1694976698 - 2023-09-17
Currently Active?: no
Voting Wallets: Send one of your registered tokens to the following:
Result: Yes: 12
No: 0
Abstain: 1
Total Delete Requests: 0
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